### coroNature..!!
a VIRUS or a VACCINE..!!
A virus that's....
Challenging every medical foundation;
Affecting every mankind's foundation;
A Vaccine that's ....
Re_minding the humanity;
Re_grinding the social discriminations;
Re_inventing the better practices;
Beautiful faces are covered with masks..!!
Ugly minds are discovered without masks..!!
Holy places are closed down; but Prayers are opened up..!!
Even politics isn't running any politics now..!!
No heated arguments; no challenges; no competitions; Nothing is permanent;
Everything gets normal soon but keep on retrospecting the effects and defects of ...........cOrOnAture..!!
#Evidently it's imbalancing nature..!!
#Obliquely it's reminding to lead a genuine livelihood...!!!
I'm neither alerting you; either suggesting you..!!
Just a few lines ;
some prayers;
and a lot_lot thankings....
to the lives....
who are recklessly saving other lives..!!!
Is it a virus or a vaccine..??!!